I'm back at Curves and will be posting my progress.  I guess when I think millions of unknown people will read it, I will be more likely to follow though.  That will have to wait till Monday though, because I forgot to write down my measurements.  :)

Things I have done this week:

Thursday - water aerobics.  I LOVE THIS.  I really do.  It was the hottest day of the week, and yet, it felt good to be in the pool and I worked hard but didn't feel "killed" as I would have in this heat in a gym.  This is definitely a Tuesday, Thursday activity.  How I will keep it up in during the school year is going to be tricky, but I'm going to try.

Friday - Curves.  Toning and strengthening.  I got my pulse up to 20 beats/10 sec.  It is still a bit low for most effective burning of calories, but it was higher than it was on Wednesday.

Today - Walked 45 mins on the track with a friend.  I think we got in about 2 miles.  Getting my walk in is going to be the hardest thing to do between the pool and curves, but I think if I walk before the pool, I should be okay.  My walking partner is going to let me borrow an old runners watch that will beep at me for when I need to change my pace from walking to running.  I love this idea because I don't have to think, I just have to do.

The next part of the puzzle is working out my diet.  I'm hypothyroidic (is that even a word?) which means I have to take a synthetic hormone to up my levels and hopefully get my metabolism jump started.  I have two big issues going right now.  Is the increase weight due to being sedentary, created mostly by the decrease in the hormone I needed from my thyroid, OR is it the synthetic hormone that is keeping the weight on?

Whatever the reason, I do feel more hungry and I am cutting back on breads and higher fat foods.  I have started to research which foods are best and be careful about "diet plans" to make sure they are thyroid friendly.

To be continued. :)
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