I thought since I was reviving old websites, I would take a second look at Pinterest.  Honestly, I thought is was a gimmicky site.  I didn't get it at all why people liked it so much.

That was before I bought my house.

Now, I understand the purpose.

I had heard on various talk shows about "vision boards."  Again, being a skeptic I didn't think much of it, until I really started to understand my own decision process.

We all have a "vision" of what we want in life.  Vision boards, help us take the idea from a thought to reality by helping the creator of the board to focus on the vision and make it happen.  Pinterest helps the user take it farther.  Not only are the pictures of real things, but they also are available things for purchase.  By pining the pictures of what interests me, I make a record of website locations that I can access later.  No more trying to hunt down the items!

My first focus is on the kitchen.  Money is a real issue right now, and the likelihood of a full remodel is pretty far out.  However there are some things I can start with, and gaining organization of the cabinets is the top priority.

Now if Blogger would only come up with a gadget to let me link the pictures I have pinned to this blog...