Today was an awesome day.

I started it by attending bible study and worship services and this time I got my daughter to attend with me. I had lunch out with both my daughter and son and the day couldn't have been better for weather. It was in fact the perfect Sunday.

I finished the day by attending my first meeting of Celebrate Recovery. It is a 12-step organization that caters to a broad range of issues. I will be with other women which will help me to bond with my own gender. I really don't need to be distracting myself by scanning the room looking for men with wedding rings on or not. That is the relationship addict in me trying to find a quick relationship fix. I even did it tonight. I found a table with just women at it and that helped me stay focused. The last thing I need right now is to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.

All in all, this was the best Sunday ever. I feel that I have been taking positive steps for getting my life turned about and hopefully break a major cycle of dependency.

I wish that my husband would do the same for himself. He won't though. He will convince himself that he has no problems. He will be friendly and charming and try to seduce me with his "togetherness" only to drop me and run off again. This time, I'm not alone and I will get through this by the grace of God and the support of those that are going through the same thing right now.

Find a Celebrate Recovery Group in your area.